Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 1

I don't think I have ever mentioned this before, but my dear little Buddy is quite the handful. (Yes, that was sarcasm) What I really haven't mentioned is that we suspect he has ADHD. The docs have said that at 2 1/2 years old, he is still too young to test, and get an accurate result, but it is highly suspected due to a genetic predisposition (there isn't a male on Luke's side of the family that doesn't have either ADD or ADHD.) I have high hopes for today. Today we began Buddy's ADHD diet. The whole family is participating, because it is just too difficult for us to be eating all the yummy stuff he can't. So far, I can see a little difference in his behavior. Obedience problems are part of the 2 year old in him, so I am not expecting him to turn into a Stepford child. Calmer, more able to focus, and tantrum-free... that is what I am expecting/hoping for.
We started our morning out with Buddy's "Special Milkshake" which I can already see that I am going to have to tweak a bit. He didn't like the taste very much at all. The drink is a cup of coffee in the blender with about 4 cubes of ice. Once that is well blended, add a packet of Carnation Instant breakfast, blend again, and serve. I had to add some non-dairy creamer to get him to drink half of it, but I am trying to come up with a sugar-free, aspartame-free way to get him to chug it.
These are the general rules to our new ADHD friendly diet:
No sugar, no aspartame, no artificial colorings or flavors, no processed foods, no preservatives, and no dairy.
Yeah, seriously! So what are we supposed to eat? I am referring to the online archives of the 1940's Betty Crocker cookbook. It is thought that one reason ADHD is so prevalent today is a result of food allergies. In reality, it isn't really a "food" allergy at all. It is an allergy to all of the crap we put in our foods. In the 1940's kids had toast with preserves, now we have a pop tart. They had baked chicken, green beans and sweet potatoes for dinner, we have chicken nuggets and fries. Everything has become quick, easy, and unhealthy. I am one of the world's worst to just opt for whatever is quick. I have also tried to add something healthy in, but I often fall short. We may have baked chicken tenders and green beans, but the nuggets are processed, with added preservatives, and the green beans have been in that can for Lord knows how long, and the "brain food" is depleted. I am far from a health nut. Actually I am the farthest thing from it, myself. I am a very picky eater, which makes me a very unhealthy eater. Every facet of my eating habits are flawed. I don't drink water. EVER. And I can easily say I put away a 2L of diet Pepsi daily. I eat toast and butter for breakfast, leftover chicken nuggets from the kids for lunch, and a few handfuls of barbecue potato chips for supper. Yeah. Told ya I was unhealthy. I know that I need to make a change in my health, and if it means that it can possibly change Buddy's life, and in turn ALL of our lives, then I am all for it!
The very strict diet is only for two weeks. After that two weeks, we start adding our "NO NO" foods back in every few days. If he has any type of reaction, we know that he can never have that "NO NO" food. The Coffee Shake is an every morning thing, for as long as we can see it is working. The premise behind the coffee shake is that caffeine has the same effect on a child with ADHD ad 5mg of Ritalin. I know, crazy, right? The protein part (from the instant breakfast mix) feeds his brain, so that it can also help him to focus.
So today, as of 11:48am NC time.... He has sat and watched one full episode of some new show on Noggin, only carried his kitten, Green, by the tail once, not cried at all, and has not screamed one time. I would say that today, so far, has been very successful. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am. I am typing this with tears in my eyes. Happy, joyful, can't believe it tears. Not the "I'm going to lose my mind, going on mapquest to find the closest asylum" kind of tears. Thank you God! But I am starving. Really really starving.

12:18pm-- As soon as I hit publish, we had a very small tantrum, that lasted only about 20 seconds... much better than our usual 25-30 minute "holy mother of..." tantums. Still very pleased with our progress, and not the least bit frustrated. I think that is the first time I have been able to say that since September 28th, 2007... His first birthday... when this all started taking shape... a very scary shape.

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1 comment:

  1. Visiting from SITS! Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to reading more from you. Consider yourself "followed!"

